Amacimiz: Avrupa ve Türk insaninin kültürlerini daha yakindan tanimalarini saglamak ve aralarinda dostluklar olusturmak,Belediye yetkililerini ve isadamlarinin ekonomik ve ticari iliskilere girmelerine ortam saglamak,Global dünya düzeni icerisinde dayanismayi artirmak,Kültürel faaliyetler organize etmek,is organizasyonlarina ve emlak alim/satimlarinda yardimci olmak
Objective: To ensure that they know about Europe and Turkey closer to human culture and the search to create friendships, Municipal officials and businessmen to enter the environment to ensure economic and trade relationships, communications, Global world order unlimited time to increase to solidarity, organize cultural activities, business organizations and real estate purchase / sale to assist in
Cél: annak érdekében, hogy azok is megismerjék Európa és Törökország közelebb áll az emberi kultúra és a keresést a baráti,Városi tisztviselők és üzletemberek a környezetbe jusson biztosítsa a gazdasági és kereskedelmi kapcsolatok, a kommunikáció,Global világrend korlátlan ideig, hogy növelje a szolidaritást, szervezni a kulturális tevékenységek, gazdasági szervezetek és az ingatlan vételi / eladási, hogy segítse
Turkey and Hungary has a common history and brotherhood and inn recent years trade , business, cultural and tourism relations have improved .Currently about 700 Turkish-owned Hungarian company has been operating in Hungary. The number of jobs and the volume of business continues to grow.Our aim is to strengthen existing binary relations which has been already advanced; to establish closer friendship and cooperation of Turkish and Hungarian businessmen; to strengthen the existing partnership by considering cultural structures of both countries businessmen and to be a pioneer in forming new partnerships.Also to help Turkish businessmen who want to invest in Hungary is one of our main targets. We believe that with cultural rapprochement, a sister city relationship, current mutual visits of folk dances, we will move forward to better relations.
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